The TeX Catalogue Online


A "dimen" that returns the space left on the line.

The linegoal package provides a macro \linegoal to be used with \setlength:
will set <some dimen> to the horizontal length of the remainder of the line.

This is achieved using the \pdfsavepos primitive of pdftex, through the zref-savepos package.


Some text: \begin{tabularx}\linegoal{|l|X|} \hline
             one & two \\
	     three & four \\\hline

will position the table after the initial text, and make the table fill the rest of the line.

The author is Florent Chervet. The package is Copyright © 2010 Florent Chervet.

License: lppl1.3 Version: 2.9 Catalogued: 2011-02-25