The TeX Catalogue Online


A BibTeX replacement for users of biblatex.

Biber is a BibTeX replacement for users of biblatex. The present release was developed for use with biblatex 1.3.

Biber reads UTF-8 input, and by default produces UTF-8 output, though it can produce LaTeX accent-command-letter combinations if required.

The CTAN distribution offers a compressed tar archive of the sources, etc., together with “binary” distributions for a variety of platforms.

Note: biber is formally named “biblatex-biber”, to distinguish it from an earlier (now apparently moribund) project called “biber”.

See also bibtex crosstex.

The authors are Philip Kime and François Charette. The package is Copyright © 2009-2011 François Charette and Philip Kime.

License: artistic Version: 0.9 Catalogued: 2011-03-28