2.5.0 (Gotham) - Initial version for XBMC Gotham with updated dependencies - BBcode tags are stripped before sending content to the display (reported to happen on e.g. OpenELEC) - Change in behaviour: BigDigit tag will show the system time instead of current playtime if playing media is paused and the screensaver kicks in - Missing german umlauts added to the HD44780-A00 character translation map 1.3.3 / 2.3.3 (Eden / Frodo) - A02 char map enhanced to map czech characters 1.3.2 / 2.3.2 - Fix "dim display on video playback" functionality 1.3.1 / 2.3.1 - Recognize E-AC3 (Dolby Digital plus) as AC3 in extra stuff support (affect imonlcd support) - Fix BigDigits overdrawing text on addon start when things change too fast 1.3.0 / 2.3.0 - Alternate charmap selection, support for HD44780/iMON ROM (A00 and A02 variants) charsets - New "tvshow" mode, active when playing media from the TV-shows database - Refactored backlight dimming handling and configuration via GUI settings - Cleaned up and improved TCP/Telnet socket handling - Indicate internet stream on extraicon-supported displays - Use XBMC's time for daytime display on BigDigit-mode and thus properly display 12/24h clocks, improve bigdigit handling - Additional "finetuning"-options for extraicon/bar-support - Option to entirely disable extra stuff support - Always load defaults so LCD.xml in the masterprofile acts as user override, makes additions like new modes or wrong spelling in XML tags not result in empty displays - Bugfixes and friends, of course 1.2.1 / 2.2.1 - Bugfixes, Credits, slightly more convenient configuration option bools 1.2.0 / 2.2.0 - Maintain versions for Eden (1.x.x) and Frodo+ (2.x.x) - Support for extra stuff (icons, bars) on supporting displays - Extra stuff handling for SoundGraph iMON LCD and Futaba/Targa mdm166a VFD devices (presence will be autodetected) - Align each line either left (default), centered or right - Fixed connection problem popup annoyance - GUI settings cleanup and some more LCD.xml configurables - Take care of providing a default LCD.xml in the master profile 1.1.0 - greatly improved client/server communication - native widgets for bars, icons and bignumbers - character conversion left to be done by LCDproc - additional configuration options 1.0.0 - initial addon release